If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Since Brussels didn’t have a good enough nut butter offering, Julien Gaucherot and Matt Samra rolled their sleeves up and grabbed some roasted Italian hazelnuts and crushed Valencian almonds. BUDDY BUDDY was born.

With the weight of their success putting a dangerous strain on their shelves, the two friends set out to find a workshop and retail space where they could produce and offer their items.

BUDDY BUDDY & hub.brussels: arm in arm

The Brussels Agency for Entrepreneurship and Julien Gaucherot have an agreement. A lease agreement. And a planning permit, too. And there is also the information on subsidies, business plans, financial plans, etc. Julien has been on real a journey through hub.brussels’ departments over the course of his various entrepreneurial projects.

The hub.brussels Expertise team

  • assisted Julien with preparing his planning permit (change of use to Horeca)
  • helped him analyse his lease agreement
  • informed him about various available subsidies

The hub.brussels Retail team  

  • assisted Julien with his site location strategy and search for premises
  • analysed his business plan
  • helped him put together his file for the OpenSoon subsidy
  • served as an intermediary and facilitator with the municipal authorities and other public bodies

The hub.brussels Export team  

  • gave BUDDY BUDDY advice during its first steps in exporting via its “Start to Export” service
  • helped BUDDY BUDDY prospect in different European markets via its on-site Economic and Commercial Attachés
  • enabled the company to refine its searches and build new contacts in different markets
Founders of Buddy Buddy

Julien Gaucherot & Matt Samra

Founders of Buddy Buddy

hub.brussels is a super-equipped, one-stop shop: no matter the question or problem, there is always an expert who will answer quickly, regardless of the topic. We heartily recommend it!

Are you nuts?! Yes, but 100% bio!

“If your friend is made of honey, don’t eat all of him”. If they are made of peanut butter or 100% vegan Piedmontese hazelnuts, on the other hand…

BUDDY BUDDY promises sincere friendship and a welcome return to roots. With Julien and Matt, there are no false pretences or artificial flavours. A loyal and regular clientele and an intimate, relaxed atmosphere in a futuristic and warm décor. And transparency, right down to the bottom of the jar. 

Chai latte with almond butter, hot chocolate with hazelnut butter and dark chocolate or cinnamon and almond butter roll: the generous menu challenges popular beliefs about vegan food. 

On the shelves, various varieties of creamy oilseed butters sit side-by-side, tempting even the strictest ascetic. Why not just give in?

Like Julien and Matt, call on our experts for your retail projects and to export beyond our borders!

Discover our services:

Het team van Area Managers en handelsattachés van hub.brussels staat voor je klaar met export-ondersteuning, om je al je exportplannen te laten slagen!

Do you want to develop your business? Why not start exporting? Take your products and services to new markets in Europe and the rest of the world with hub.brussels!

Are you opening a retail business soon? Have you recently opened one or are you planning on expanding? hub.brussels’ coaches follow your commercial project, from idea to realisation.

OpenSoon offers coaching and financial support of a maximum of 15,000 euros to future entrepreneurs wishing to open an innovative and quality business in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur or already established? Do you have questions about town planning in Brussels? We are here to guide you.