Thierry Goor has been an agency manager, a website designer, and an atmosphere creator. Now he’s taking on the role of leader of the pack with the WOLF Food Market. The purpose of the project? To provide a location that is both typical and cosmopolitan, like Brussels. To accomplish this, he needed to surround himself with players who know the city through and through., a creator of synergies

WOLF is a large-scale endeavour that will provide both jobs and financial therefore set out to bring the main regional financial, employment and environmental interlocutors to the table. helped Thierry Goor to:

  • submit his urban planning permit and his Hospitality authorisation via its Economic Coordination unit, in partnership with the City of Brussels
  • adapt his current environmental permit to include new classified facilities (including the brewing activities planned for the project), again via its Economic Coordination unit
  • better understand the legal structure, VAT refunds, and the ruling commission, via its Expertises department
  • identify the best retailers for WOLF, via its Retail team
  • find partners in the sustainable food sector via its Sustainable Economy department in partnership with Brussels Environment
  • make contact with the Brussels employment and training agency Actiris, which led to a jobs dayto recruit future employees
WOLF founder

Thierry Goor

WOLF founder

I was watching the latest trends and wanted to be able to provide a new way of consuming. The WOLF project brought together partners with the same vision, including, which I want to give my warm thanks to.

Use our services and be next to be known by all of Brussels

Spread over nearly 3000 m², the WOLF’s den, located on Rue du Fossé aux Loups, hosts a microbrewery, a bean-to-bar chocolate maker, a zero-waste organic market and 17 street food restaurants offering a range of high-quality foods.

The spirit of the former Caisse générale d’Épargne et de Retraite, which he transformed into his den, still permeates the place. Thanks to an expert upcycling process, the marble facing of the former counters now covers the bar, the signage has been turned into trendy lamps and the kiosks are now kitchen areas from which float flavours straight from Vietnam, Greece and Syria.

A winning combination dreamed up thanks to the expertise and personalised support of

With its impressive seven-metre high bronze entrance doors, WOLF really looks sharp. You’ll step into this den licking your chops in anticipation.

Do you want to open your own business? Do you need financial or legal expertise or help with your environmental or urban planning permits?


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Circular economy


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