News Innovation: supports you during the COVID-19 crisis
Innovation: supports you during the COVID-19 crisis

Innovation: supports you during the COVID-19 crisis

Has the crisis forced you to review or rethink your innovation management? Are you seeking to finance your innovation projects at the EU level? Do you want to build international partnerships? Our innovation and internationalisation advisers are at your disposal during the crisis: contact them!

New tools to handle the crisis

EU financing

The European Union is providing special funding in response to COVID-19. Do you want to respond to the various calls for projects? Our team can help you prepare your proposal and provide you with all of the useful and necessary information you need to create your file.

International partnerships

Our tools enabling Brussels companies to find international partners have been adapted to the crisis. Our international matchmaking events are therefore 100% virtual until further notice. This is the case, for example, for the Care & Industry together against the CORONA platform or our matchmaking event dedicated to smart cities: E2TECH 4 SMART CITIES. We also offer individual support to help you find technology or research partners via Europe’s largest business support network: Enterprise Europe Network.

Innovation management advice

During this crisis period, we can provide you with assistance to review or rethink your innovation management in the medium term via two steps:

  • A virtual interview during which we analyse your innovation management and identify improvements
  • We help you implement the improvements to tackle the challenges your company faces

Any questions about those tools? Contact our team!

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