Recovr doesn’t settle for being ambitious; it arms itself with a strategy to ensure continuous growth and secure its place in the ruthless world of financial software.

International expansion is a major asset in this strategy, not only in geographical terms but also in terms of integrations. Because in this world of dynamic young companies, integrations with widely adopted applications are a royal path to success.

But just as every adventurer needs a reliable guide, every company needs solid support. That’s where comes into play. a reliable guide in Brussels and abroad

As a loyal companion on the path to success, has successfully led Recovr through the jungle of networking events, thanks to its Export team and software cluster.

On the financial front,

  • Provided unwavering support to Recovr in its approach to fundraising, including its inclusion in one of the semi-annual e-pitching sessions with the Euroquity community (BPI France), a network of European investors coordinated by our Agency.

Our neo-exporters team:

  • Accompanied Recovr to various international fairs, such as Websummit and Vivatech, creating business opportunities at lightning speed.
Cofounder of Recovr

Alessandro Drappa

Cofounder of Recovr' events and missions abroad are an effective way to do business. We achieve results there that would take much longer in Brussels.

From the Senne to the Seine

Born from the joint collaboration of Alessandro and his father Gerardo Drappa, Recovr has brilliantly addressed a major challenge for SMEs: cash flow problems caused by payment delays and unpaid invoices.

Recovr’s software provides a centralized platform to track and automate the entire invoice recovery process. This innovative approach has enabled Recovr’s clients to get paid 30 to 50% faster while reducing time spent on tracking by up to 80%. Recovr offers SMEs a valuable lifeline in the whirlpool of daily financial challenges.

Now, with their sights set on the Seine, Recovr is preparing to enter the French market with an office in Paris and a place in the world’s largest startup campus, Station F. Their ambitions will blend with the stars of the Bercy Arena for an impeccable concert.