Who wants to play with Mods? Mods are modular, interlocking structures that can be assembled and dismantled at will - like a larger, adult, recycled wood version of the famous little Danish blocks. This ingenious sustainable “Lego” system, which enables the creation of all kinds of walls and shapes, exists thanks to Julien De Visscher, who jumped from the conservatory to entrepreneurship with assistance from’ ecobuild and circlemade clusters and its International Network.

He thought he would be an actor. However, Julien didn’t find his craft on the boards, but rather in building with boards for the stage. He went backstage to work on increasingly ambitious wooden sets. There was only one drawback: the ephemeral nature of his two-dimensional worlds.
With the circular economy, he launched his own woodworking company, MCB Atelier, and drew up a project with greater scope: MODS. These wooden modules, made from carpentry scraps, fit together to create the unique and reusable foundation of many parallel realities: an office, a showroom, a Christmas tree, etc.
The next step was to make this new concept from elsewhere a reality in Brussels.
MODS & building a network
Julien needed to find a network to offer his reusable modules to. A mission for!
Coaching & networking
The cluster from helped Julien:
- critique his project to make it viable
- grow his distribution network
- establish relationshipswith other players in sustainable development, which led to several partnerships, including with the Architects of DzeroStudio via the BeModule Inside project
- participate in a number of the cluster’s networking events: conferences, general assemblies, afterworks, work groups, etc.
- increase MODS’ visibility by publishing a promotional video on its networks
The cluster from assisted Julien with:
- finding funding and developing his financial model
- improving the visibility of his offering, in particular during the State Visit to Luxembourg, where he was one of the exhibiting companies at the Brussels event organised on the sidelines of the Visit.
The International Network from assisted Julien with:
- its international prospection
- the development of its address book by inviting him to take part in various networking and matchmaking events

Julien De Visscher
MODS is an 11/10: a super structure, very efficient, that gives us all the information we need, organizes a huge number of events and closely follows developments in the sector, enabling us to anticipate our positions.

Emmanuel Malfeyt cluster coordinatorMODS embodies how an idea can become a prosperous and resilient company thanks to a passionate young team. It’s a pure and efficient solution which has come along at just the right time for a market seeking to reinvent itself.
Cement your relationships via our services has put the entrepreneur in touch with the right interlocutors through its various sectoral clusters.
Module by module, MODS has established itself in the world of sustainable development in Brussels and beyond. The winner of the 2016 be circular regional Call for Projects, MCB Atelier has already set itself apart by its participation in several large projects including Be-Module Inside , together with Entrakt and Dzerostudio Architectes.
Its concept is now being exported to Italy, Spain, Luxembourg and France, with patents in 10 countries, through which MODS is ensuring its development in Europe.
The startup has also entered into a partnership with the german leasing company Grenke Lease. Together, they are offering a rental service for furnishings: a first in Europe!
MODS was also in Spain with for the Brussels Days: the company took part, via its carpentry workshop MCB Atelier, in the fitting-out of the Brussels House in Barcelona.
In a graceful circular dance, MODS’ modular, eco-designed wooden structures come together to form a bar, a chair, or the podium which Julien will surely climb to collect his next prize.
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