To understand the genesis of Cuustomer, you have to go ten years back, to the creation of its parent company: Bridgewater.

The consulting firm was founded in 2008. Its stated mission was to help companies centralise purchasing to create economies of scale for overheads (cleaning, logistics, IT, etc.). The service was welcome following a trying financial crisis and it quickly awakened interest in neighbouring countries. The only drawback: it was difficult to find the human resources needed to deploy in other countries.

Cuustomer & a growing clientèle thanks to digitalisation

What if the sought-after ubiquity was simply a matter of digitising the services? This is the conclusion that led to Cuustomer, Bridgewater’s first digital product.

By dematerialising its services, the start-up was able to begin prospecting smaller companies, SMEs and VSEs, which are also looking for decision-making tools.’ software cluster

  • validated Cuustomer’s business model and financial plan
  • introduced it to other digital start-ups
  • invited it to networking events

Our “start to export” account manager

  • helped Cuustomer validate its concept in several markets
  • invited it to take part in Web Summit 2019in Lisbon, one of the largest technology trade shows in the world
  • helped the start-up lay the groundwork for its sales effort
Founder of Cuustomer & Bridgewater

Florent Hainaut

Founder of Cuustomer & Bridgewater

Visibility, networking, preferential rates… provides us with opportunities we could never have obtained on our own! We intend to use its excellent support services for our first steps in the international market.

Start exporting with

People say that you can’t stop progress. Genius neither: after launching their rating platform in 2018, Cuustomer brought out its own management tool for its customers in 2019, and a contract management solution in 2020.

It’s an all-in software package which will quickly find users among small and large companies looking to maximise their investment.

The young start-up is already planning to deploy in other European markets. The task should be easy for an e-reputation platform…given that it has already established its own.

Do you want to explore foreign markets and start exporting? Contact our new export support department!