Start to export:
self-analysis tool. 

You want to export your goods or services beyond the Belgian borders: excellent initiative! However, the internationalisation of your company requires a minimum of preparation. Inventory management, positioning, distribution channels, website referencing: use our self-diagnosis tool to make sure all the boxes are ticked for a successful export adventure!

Why do you need an export self-diagnosis tool?

It is difficult to anticipate every aspect of international development. However, it is precisely in the details that everything plays out. 

Our Export team has therefore consolidated the expertise and experience of its Export advisors and, on this basis, listed the obstacles that generally stand in the way of budding exporters, to clear the way for you to maximise your exports.

What are the requirements for this service?

This service is for companies that are exporting for the first time – or for the first time outside the European Union – and that already have:

  1. a company number or establishment unit in the Brussels-Capital Region
  2. a website and a professional email address containing the domain name of the company’s website
  3. a product or service ready to be sold

What if you don’t meet these conditions? Our service is here to help you!

How can the team help you?

Depending on your answers to our questionnaire, you will be referred either to our “Start to Export” team for proper guidance, or to useful links to fill in your export gaps. Once you have made up these gaps, the export doors are open to you, with our Export teams as your home port!

Ready? Let’s go!

Any question? Contact Katia or Florence!

Katia Giovanetti

Account Manager | Start to Export

T. +32 493 89 02 40

Florence Skwirzynski

Account Manager | Start to Export

+32 490 47 85 86