News Startup Guide: launch of the Brussels entrepreneur’s guide
Startup Guide: launch of the Brussels entrepreneur’s guide

Startup Guide: launch of the Brussels entrepreneur’s guide

Like New York, Lisbon and Singapore, Brussels has now its own Startup Guide! 240 pages of testimonials, inspiration, advice and helpful contacts to launch your company in Brussels. Follow the guide!

Startup Guide Brussels is the fruit of a collaboration between the Berlin media and publishing company Startup Guide World, and many partners.

A number of promising social impact-focused startups have emerged in Brussels in recent years“, says Startup Guide founder and CEO Sissel Hansen. “There’s a growing community of genuinely inspiring entrepreneurs and ventures here, and I’m excited to share a selection of their stories. Startup Guide Brussels highlights some of the dedicated people who are striving for both local and global change.”

A portrait of Brussels’s Startup ecosystem

The Startup Guide provides a nine-chapter portrait of the Brussels’ startup ecosystem for international talents who want to try the adventure here:

  • An introduction to the Region with some practical information about life in Brussels.
  • The portrait of ten startups active in digital, lifetech, audiovisual, and more.
  • Accelerator and incubation programmes like COOPCITYMADTriaxes and Greenlab
  • A selection of coworking spaces
  • Interviews and expert advice
  • Testimonials from founders made in Brussels
  • Entrepreneur-oriented schools
  • A dozen investors and their advice to succeed
  • A list of helpful contacts
And Isabelle Grippa, CEO of, to conclude: “Audacity, innovation, social and environmental awareness: this guide reflects the DNA of our capital. We hope you enjoy reading about the Brussels success stories and that they inspire you and convince you – if you need convincing – that this is a city that moves and innovates and is a good place to live, do business, flourish and finally… stay!

International distribution

Numerous foreign startups have chosen Brussels as their headquarters, thanks in particular to the internationalization support offered by

Pascal Smet, Secretary of State for International Relations and Foreign Trade, points it out: “The Startup Guide reaffirms what we already know, the growing entrepreneurial potential of Brussels is remarkable both nationally and internationally. More and more start-ups in our capital are growing into an established value. The inspiring stories of our Brussels entrepreneurs in the various sectors, such as CitizenLab, Wooclap and Simone a Soif! among others, are a motivation for anyone considering launching a start-up.  And thanks to the guidance of, entrepreneurs can look forward to their success story.”

Beginning in November, Startup Guide Brussels will be distributed worldwide via the’ network of economic and commercial attachés. Get it in preview!

Do you want to settle in Brussels? invest & export assists foreign investors seeking to set up shop in Brussels. Its mission is to provide the assistance needed by foreign investors to speed up procedures and connect them to the right people at all the relevant government departments, regional institutions, associations and professional organisations in Brussels that can make their project both successful and profitable.

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