The best way to predict the future is to analyse data from the past. Kantify uses artificial intelligence and big data to help companies hear what their data has to say. The start-up is now putting its algorithms to work for public health and mobility, with support from the software.brussels cluster at hub.brussels.

Data scientists, statisticians and developers: these modern predictors of the future have been able to harness Artificial Intelligence and turn it into an essential work tool for many companies today. This is the case for Ségolène Martin, CEO of Kantify, who was interested in AI back when it didn’t have the name recognition or the importance it has today.
Kantify and hub.brussels: an equation without unknowns
Quickly understanding the societal implications of such a tool, Kantify decided to focus on the fields most likely to improve everyone’s quality of life: life sciences (MedTech), mobility and services. Industries in which the start-up excels. Kantify helps its clients make the best choices based on their technological, business and regulatory constraints and develops bespoke AI solutions for them.
Software.brussels: advice and visibility
Kantify joined hub.brussels’ software.brussels cluster in 2016. Its founder, Ségolène Martin, has also been a member of the board since 2018. Our specialists gave the start-up the following support:
- they informed Kantify of the various subsidies available in its field in the Brussels-Capital Region
- they provided the company with visibility by inviting it to various events organised by and for the Tech ecosystem.
Women in Tech & Women in business: inspiration and examples
“Faced with the gender bias which can be introduced by the improper implementation of artificial intelligence, it’s important that women become involved in these developments to guarantee universality”. As a woman entrepreneur and, more specifically, a woman entrepreneur in the Tech industry, Ségolène Martin has been offered the position of:
- Belgian ambassador for Women in AI, the international association unifying women active in AI and machine learning in industry, research, policy and education
- membership in Women in Business, the hub.brussels platform dedicated to women entrepreneurs, as well as in Women in Tech, the first European female ecosystem to promote the empowerment of women in the technology and innovation field
NCP and EEN: partnerships and trade shows
Via the teams at National Contact Point (hosted by hub.brussels), Ségolène received advice on arranging European projects
- Our NCP Health coach assisted her in the development of an H2020 project proposal in the field of digital diagnostics.
- our NCP Legal & Financial coach advised her on the legal aspects of the Horizon 2020 program, in view of the specific needs of the start-up in terms of intellectual property and other issues.
Via the teams at Enterprise Europe Network (hosted by hub.brussels), Ségolène was offered partnerships with other start-ups and large companies as well as preparation to attend the Mobile World Congress

Ségolène Martin
Co-founder of KantifyThe software cluster is a major gateway to the tech ecosystem in Brussels. The experts who provide us with support are specialised in IT and are thus able to provide informed and up-to-date advice, even if occasionally. It’s also a hot spot for networking, making it possible to build strong and lasting connections.
When I grow up, I’m going to be…a data scientist
At the age of 10, Ségolène wanted to become a veterinarian or a writer. In a sense, the Brussels transplant accomplished her dream twice over:
Every day, Kantify rewrites the stories of the companies it helps, reading between the lines to find the best ending for each one of them.
As for the stethoscope…let’s just say that Kantify has made a sensational entrance into the e-health sector, developing the first prediction model for atrial fibrillation alongside the ULB laboratory for artificial intelligence.
And because you have to get on board with the times, Kantify also developed, in record time, an SNCB app to predict the number of seats available on your train as a way to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
There’s only a one-letter difference between predication and prediction…which we are awarding to a company making it a point of pride of turning every quantitative analysis into a guarantee of quality.
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