News Launch of, much more than an audiovisual cluster
Launch of, much more than an audiovisual cluster

Launch of, much more than an audiovisual cluster

3 May 2022. Following the Belgian state visit to Greece, announces the official launch of This is the successor of The renewed cluster project will support as many Brussels companies as possible in the cross-media sector.

Since 2013, has been advising and promoting audiovisual companies from the Brussels-Capital Region. This was done within the framework of Objective of the initiative? To support and guide entrepreneurs, including individual tailor-made advice. For example, on legal, financial and business issues. The offer also includes training courses and workshops, networking events and guidance in prospecting new customers and partners. Both in Belgium and abroad, at numerous trade fairs and events.

But with the blurring of the boundaries between media and the artistic sector – and rapid technological progress – the ‘Screen’ label was too limited to correctly describe all the activities and creative impulses of Brussels companies.

Nowadays in Brussels, we come across a new generation of passionate entrepreneur-creatives. They want to build bridges between different disciplines and skills, to break out of the boxes of classic productions. We want to support their efforts with, which acts as a meeting place and springboard for talent,” explains Aurore Boraczek, coordinator of

From to

In recent years, we have seen many new formats, skills and talents emerging in Brussels, as elsewhere. And we want to be able to support them 100%, just like we do with the audiovisual sector“, says Isabelle Grippa, CEO of 

Hence the launch of, the latest in a series of six clusters. The brand new is built on the existing network of its predecessor It comprises more than 160 companies, 20 partners and 10 experts. The successor will broaden its target group, and will also focus on the promising and fast-growing sector of video clips, podcasts, video games, etc. The new cluster aims to establish and strengthen ties with a broad spectrum of entrepreneurs and partners – from music production to performing arts.

Supporting Brussels economic activity

As with the other clusters of, aims to support the economic activity of companies. First, it wants to be accessible to everyone. Second, to support their transition to sustainable business. And finally, to strengthen the international appeal of the Brussels-Capital Region in this sector.

The challenge for is great, given our clear commitment to provide intensive support to the cultural and creative sector in Brussels”, says Isabelle Grippa. “We consider this sector as an indispensable economic and social catalyst in Brussels (read more about the economic weight of the sector in Brussels). The launch of is a very nice first step in the right direction”

“The creation of the cluster and the extension of the support to all audiovisual sectors is part of the new strategy to support cultural and creative industries that we are implementing in the Brussels-Capital Region, adds Barbara Trachte, State Secretary for Economic Transition.The CCI sector is one of the priority sectors of the Shifting Economy in the sense that it contributes to the influence and attractiveness of the Region and highlights the creativity of our Brussels entrepreneurs.

From Venice to Cologne, with Brussels at the heart

The program is already looking both exciting and promising. We will be traveling with a Brussels delegation of entrepreneurs and partners from the sector – tailored to each event. On the agenda:

  • Cannes (17 to 28 May): on the occasion of the famous Film Festival and the accompanying ‘Marché du Film’ in Cannes. Objective: to network with Brussels producers, audiovisual companies and international partners.
  • La Rochelle (June): Visit Sunny Side of the Doc – a documentary film festival, including Pixii, a side event focused on VR/AR technology.
  • Cologne (August): visit the world-renowned Gamescom, Europe’s leading video game trade fair.
  • Venice (September): visit the Venice Production Bridge, as part of the Venice Film Festival. Venice is the largest A-class film festival with a competition for VR/AR.
  • Amsterdam (September): participation in the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), dedicated to media and entertainment.

At the same time, never loses sight of its home base. For example, the cluster is supporting the third edition of the Brussels Podcast Festival, followed by the Brussels Short Film Festival (BSFF) in April. Next, our teams join forces with the inimitable Video Killed the Radio Star (VKRS), a festival taking place on June 10 and 11 at Les Riches Claires.

The cluster and its members will also be on hand to provide professional support to the Brussels International Film Festival (aka BRIFF) from June 23 to July 2. Ditto for BIFFF, the Brussels Fantastic Film Festival (from August 29 to September 10). Not to be missed!

Some leading companies within

Demute studio

Demute is a company specialising in immersive, interactive audio experiences, with a focus on technological development.

At the cutting edge of these new technological and creative audio markets, it is developing the IP to create the sound of tomorrow.

Jungle Films

Jungle Films is an emerging production company created in 2018. The company focuses mainly on producing documentaries, features and kids’ contents, bringing innovative concepts with a fresh approach.

photo: © PLBarroo en ownership of ST’ART

We Tell Stories

We Tell Stories is a production house for storytelling, via audiovisual productions and podcasts. We Tell Stories also organizes training courses and events for journalists and the communication sector. At the same time, the production house works to support the development of podcasting in Belgium as much as possible.

Discover the 6 clusters of

  • gathers Brussels companies around sustainable construction and renovation (since 2007)
  • cluster organization for Brussels software and IT companies (since 2011)
  • gathers companies around lifetech and e-health (since 2015)
  • for companies in the tourism, event and culture sectors (since 2017)
  • pioneering in the circular economy (since 2018)
  • for entrepreneurs and other stakeholders active in cross-media productions (from 2022)

Contact our advisors:

Aurore Boraczek

Coordinatrice du cluster

Emilie Thiry

Attachée conseillère audiovisuel

Claire Battistoni

Attachée conseillère audiovisuel

Discover all our clusters: