> OpenSoon: subsidy and coaching to launch your retail business

OpenSoon: subsidy and coaching to luanch your retail business

Are you looking for financing and tips to launch your retail business? OpenSoon offers coaching and financial support of up to €15,000 (+ 5.000€ thanks the « Audace de quartier » bonus) to future entrepreneurs who want to open a sustainable, innovative and high-quality retail business in the Brussels-Capital Region!

Why was the OpenSoon subsidy created?

The Brussels-Capital Region is trying to diversify its retail offerings by making it easier to open original, sustainable and inspirational retail businesses. With OpenSoon, new commercial project leaders can count on financial assistance from Brussels Economy and Employment and strategic and operational support from

New in 2023:

  • A “Neighborhood Audacity” bonus for winners setting up in the “Urban Revitalization Zone”. How do you know if your business is eligible? Watch this video (fr) and follow the guide!
  • An obligation to obtain the “Good Food” label for the ReCa categories (within 24 months; obtaining the label conditions the liquidation of the balance of the subsidy).

How can’ OpenSoon team help you?

To apply for OpenSoon financing, you have to advocate for your commercial project by submitting a well put-together file to the OpenSoon Advisory Board. But in order to have the tools to put the file together, you will first need assistance from!

Your file must be submitted before :

  • June 08, 2023 at 12:00 to participate in the 1st jury
  • July 03, 2023 at 12:00 to participate in the 2nd jury
  • August 25, 2023 at 12:00 for the 3rd jury

Did your business open between August 1 and December 31, 2022? You must imperatively submit a file to the first jury, before June 8, 2023 at 12:00 pm.

The OpenSoon team will assist you in two phases:

  1. A coaching phase to extract the best out of your project and position it in the market
  2. A consultancy phase to determine and validate the most appropriate location for the exercise of the planned activity

What are the conditions for benefiting from the OpenSoon subsidy?

To benefit from the OpenSoon subsidy, you must have:

  • A project to open a retail business or ReCa in the Brussels-Capital Region or an opening later than 01/01/2023 (or 01/08/2022 for applications submitted to the first jury)
  • A business plan (including a financial plan)
  • A business number valid from the moment your file is approved by the jury when the subsidy application is submitted
  • A clearly identified commercial space
  • An original and new project, which preferably has a sustainable development approach and is financially viable

Good to know:

  • Is your project part of a sustainable approach? You can benefit from a higher grant of up to 15,000 euros (more info on the EEB website- FR/NL)
  • You can only submit one application and one subvention application per business number
  • Is your project located in a ZRU? You can also benefit from a higher grant (up to a maximum of 20,000 euros).

4 steps to follow to build your OpenSoon file

  1. Carefully read the rules for the call for projects
  2. Contact to set up a meeting. NB: the service will be closed from August 1st to 15th. It is recommended to make an appointment 10 calendar days in advance
  3. Meet your coach, polish your project and confirm your location
  4. Submit your application file (on the dates indicated for each jury) containing:
    • The completed registration form
    • The attachment “sustainable criteria” to be transmitted completed in Excel format (no PDF), in order to determine the level of your subsidy (5,000 euros; 10,000 euros or 15,000 euros)
    • Your business plan: this document describes the project, its technical, commercial and financial feasibility (a model is proposed by If the applicant draws up his business plan on another document, the information contained therein must be consistent with that of the model
    • Your financial plan (use of the model is mandatory)
    • A mood board (8 photos) highlighting your products and atmosphere
    • A copy of your lease agreement (or information about the exact planned location for your business and the requested monthly rent excluding fees). Otherwise, the applicant will send the information relating to the precise location envisaged for its activity and the basic monthly rent excluding charges requested
    • A layout plan or sketch of the location
    • An example of a card or menu if it is a catering activity or a catalog of products/services depending on the activity

All these documents are available on the EEB website (FR/NL)

If your application file is selected, you can then submit a subsidy request which includes:

  • The application file
  • The subsidy request form, completed and signed by a person legally authorised to bind the company
  • A copy of the company’s Articles of Association
  • A list of the public aids the company has already received

Details of the next call for applications will be announced next spring!

*at least 10 days before submitting your application to

The 2019 OpenSoon Appeal is closed!

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