Pop-up store: the concept gaining recognition in Brussels
At the dawn of the official opening of the 4th season of the Auberge Espagnole, a new short-term commercial lease agreement comes into effect. This new context shows Brussels’ clear willingness to facilitate the opening of temporary shops and thus make it a viable trend.
We take advantage of this double event to take stock of the concept!
For Isabelle Grippa, the CEO of hub.brussels, “One by one, the concept of a pop-up store is finding its place in the Brussels commercial landscape, attracting ever more consumers and convincing many entrepreneurs, whether they are local, multinational, or even luxury brand designers. Owners are also becoming increasingly aware of this type of tenure.”
Started in May 2016, L’Auberge Espagnole is a project that aims to test a job, a product or even a location, all at a lower cost. Considered a genuine school for entrepreneurs, what about for consumers?
Before the opening of our pop-up business incubator, Atrium had published the guide Why and how do you open a pop-up shop in Brussels? It is now interesting to bring these conclusions up to date. We asked 300 Brussels residents what they think of pop-up stores.
An original and seductive world
Immediately, the concept appears to be widely accepted since the majority of respondents know what they are about and are in favour of them! Indeed, these spaces represent a real world of original products in which good business is synonymous with variety, quality and exclusivity.
Women would be the most familiar with this type of shop. If they find original clothes, fashion accessories, fancy furniture or bohemian lighting, they ask for more and would be open to the idea of purchasing food or care products.
A stimulator of employment and appeal
The proprietors are becoming more aware of this type of tenure and the short-term commercial lease agreement is a solution of choice when facing commercial declines.
“More than a trend, this new economic and commercial model has recently led to the creation of a short-term commercial lease agreement allowing temporary shops to occupy empty commercial spaces for a few months, something to give a legal framework to pop-up stores. […] This invention is also a positive response to commercial vacancy; it stimulates a neighbourhood’s employment and appeal,” explains Didier Gosuin, Brussels Minister for Economy.
A concept that still has a bright future ahead
We knew that the pop-up store was popular with entrepreneurs, allowing them to mix practice and confrontation with reality, as well as experimenting with less risk, however, we also know that these are real assets for Brussels, since residents in Brussels want to see many more of them in their neighbourhood.
L’Auberge Espagnole, Chaussée de Wavre 331, 1040 Etterbeek