Kokotte: a pop-up restaurant in the heart of Brussels!
All you cordon bleu cooks hiding behind your stoves: put your chef’s toque on and let all of Brussels savour your talent! We are providing your with a pop-up catering venue, for 4 months, in the heart of the Ilot Sacré quarter.
Are you hotel and catering trained? Do your friends swoon over your strawberry bavarois? Is your pork loin the talk of the neighbourhood? Is your vegetarian lasagne even better than your mother-in-law’s? Don’t hold back, share your skills!
A real restaurant, without the overheads
From June 2019, hub.brussels is offering a 72 m2 catering venue at 30, Rue des Bouchers, at a discounted rent of €800 per month. A dream opportunity to test your culinary talents and manage a restaurant “for peanuts”, but in real conditions in the centre of Brussels.
By signing up for our hotel and catering incubator, you’ll be seizing an opportunity to test your concept with minimal risk, while benefiting from hub.brussels’ upstream expertise, before and after your tenancy.
There will be coach-experts on hand to work out a tailored programme with you for the period of your temporary occupation. As well as coaching, you will have access to assessment tools and beta-testers. There is will also be contact with potential investors and partners.
Coaching and tools, served up on a plate
Opening your own catering business may be a mouth-watering prospect, but the behind-the-scenes work can collapse the soufflé. Finding the right location, meeting the many costs and administrative requirements, managing staff, keeping demanding and irregular hours: these are all challenges that must be met.
We believe that low-risk experimentation, coupled with tailored support for candidate businesses, reduces the risk of error or failure and strengthens business concepts and skills.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs: are you cooking up an innovative, sustainable and original concept?
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