News How to export to Catalonia, Spain
How to export to Catalonia, Spain

How to export to Catalonia, Spain

Catalonia is a fairly accessible market for Brussels exporters: its commercial culture is not unlike the business mindset that is typical of the Belgian capital. This major economic centre in Spain offers attractive opportunities for Brussels companies, particularly in areas related to new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector and the sustainable economy.

Catalans have a long commercial tradition and it is thus fairly easy to do business with them: they are very accessible people who attach great importance to the relational side of business and are excellent negotiators.

In addition, Catalonia is a major economic powerhouse of the Spanish peninsula and has a very important multisectoral economic fabric. While Spanish is obviously a commercial and official language, mastery of Catalan is a significant asset for Brussels businesspeople who wish to develop relations in the region. As Carmen Coca, attaché in Catalonia underlines:

Catalonia is a very important economic centre in Spain, with a highly developed multisectoral fabric. […] We are a sales asset because we are the intermediaries who connect Brussels exporters with their local partners.

A team on site to support you

Brussels companies should take advantage of the services of the local team, which offers prospecting assistance and accompanies exporters in the region.

As an interlocutor enabling the establishment of solid links between local partners and potential Brussels exporters, the Catalan branch of increases their sales force and provides valuable advice.

Technology, organic food, sustainable economy and pharmaceutical industry

The most interesting Catalan economic sectors for Brussels companies:

  • 4.0 technologies
  • The ICT sector, particularly in the field of “smart cities”
  • The pharmaceutical sector
  • Food (organic, gluten-free, local, etc.)
  • Sustainable economy, including electric mobility and eco-construction

4 tips for exporting to Catalonia

  1. A strong international experience
  2. Identify the right business partners
  3. Take into account payment terms (from an average of 60 days up to 120 days)

Contact our expert in Catalonia

Carmen Coca

Spain (Barcelona)

Belgian Consulate
C. Pujades 340, local bajos
Torre Pujades
08019 Barcelona

+34 93 272 26 05
+34 62 865 78 88

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This article is part of the “How to export” series . Twice a month, a local expert presents a video about a promising export market for Brussels companies. Be the first one to enjoy these tips:

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