Activity Report 2022
Mission accomplished for hub.brussels, which has managed to stay on course with the ambitions set out in its 2022 action plan, despite the headwinds! Our services have been adapted and others have been created to support companies in their transition to new business models. We invite you to discover the gist of these changes in our 2022 hubecedary.
In 2022, we worked on..:
Greater accessibility
Our teams have been strengthened, so that we can offer high-quality business intelligence and targeted awareness-raising programs aimed at audiences made vulnerable by the current context, including retailers, women, young people and job-seekers.
On a physical level, the entire first floor of Chaussée de Charleroi has been refurbished to welcome entrepreneurs on site and make the building a showcase for Brussels entrepreneurship, with hub.info’s permanent info point set up on the street front.
More sustainability
Economic transition, a still theoretical and nebulous terminology at the beginning of the year, is now a cross-cutting and concrete theme in almost all our Agency’s actions and services, both locally and internationally.
More internationalization
Because a company’s development also involves internationalization, our teams in Brussels and abroad have carried out no fewer than 127 actions in 2022 to stimulate companies to look beyond their borders, with a particular focus on nearby markets and sectors of the future.
Finally, since 80% of the Brussels economy depends on international trade, the Region worked in 2022 to develop the Brussels brand: an ambitious city marketing campaign, the beginnings of which will be revealed to you in this activity report!