Bring the pharmacy to those who can no longer go in person: this was the genesis of the Take Care solidarity movement. The idea had been in the back of Bastien Van Wylick’s mind for nearly three years then emerged in barely three days with the arrival of COVID-19.

Take Care & our experts’ recommendations

Spread the word: this isn’t Bastien’s first entrepreneurial adventure. Sharify, Citizenfund and Impact Valley all preceded Take Care. The start-up is different from its older siblings in that it isn’t part of its creator’s core business. He is more service than product oriented. However, the entrepreneur was able to count on advice from to validate the various aspects of his concept.

The “Expertise” team

  • analysed the Take Care business plan
  • informed Bastien about the financial and legal aspects of his planned business
  • validated his investor pitch
  • put Bastien in touch with investors
  • helped him prepare his application for subsidies for submission to finance&

The cluster

  • coached Bastien,  
  • put him in contact with a number of different key players in the health care sector
co-founder of Take Care

Bastien Van Wylick

co-founder of Take Care’ reputation precedes it. I had already been in contact with the Agency for my other projects. I again recognised the professionalism of the teams, the quality of their advice, their responsiveness and their reliability. And that doesn’t include the large network they provide to Brussels entrepreneurs!

A successful business

Take Care was born of the crisis. Its goal is to help people with an illness handle it better by ensuring that they can retain some autonomy, particularly with respect to their medicines. It’s also intended to help pharmacists, who are often swamped, save a considerable amount of time.

Pharmacies take out a subscription and entrust their packages to solidarity couriers who deliver by bicycle or on foot. 

Patients are asked to make a five-euro contribution on delivery. This is in turn given entirely to the couriers to cover their costs. It’s a win-win situation which promotes contact between people and local consumption, far from the e-commerce giants.

Take Care is located in Brussels and Wallonia. It’s already planning its next step to take the delivery service beyond Belgium’s borders.

This is bound to be successful, with or without a prescription.

Are you like Bastien? Would you like to validate your concept and receive financial and legal advice?