Seminar ‘Doing business in Türkiye’


Interested in doing business with a country that boasts a strong economy and maintains good trade relations with Belgium? Take part in our seminar “Doing business in Türkiye and developing your network of contacts in Istanbul” on
3 September. A great opportunity to prepare for our October economic mission.

About and its partners are organising a seminar entitled ‘Doing business in Türkiye and developing your network of contacts in Istanbul’, aimed at Brussels-based companies from all sectors.

Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Türkiye enjoys a strategic commercial position and a diversified economy. The country has an association agreement with the EU and already enjoys good trade relations with Belgium.

The seminar is open to all companies planning to do business with Türkiye.
It will also be an opportunity to prepare’ economic mission to Istanbul, which will take place from 20 to 23 October 2024.


13:45 Registration/Welcome coffee

14:00 Welcome address by Mr Cédric Crapet,, Area Manager Southern Europe

14:10 Presentation of the economic and trade mission to Istanbul by Mr. Stefano Missir di Lusignano, General Representative of the Brussels-Capital Region in Türkiye

14:20-14:35 The economic and financial situation in Türkiye by M. Hans Broecke, member of the Executive Board of Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB)

14:35-14:50 Expand your business network in Istanbul by Ms. Zeynep Sanıgök Olszewski, Head of TÜRKONFED Brussels Office

14:50-15:05 Women in the Turkish business environment by Ms.  Ebru Öz, member of the Türkiye-Belgium Business Council of DEİK – The Foreign Economic Relations Board of Türkiye

15:05-15:30 Questions & Answers/Networking

Practical info


Participation to the seminar is free, but registration is mandatory.
The seminar will be conducted in French and English.


Room ‘Esplanade’, ground floor Charleroisesteenweg 110, 1060 Sint-Gillis.

Useful resources

I’m taking part in the seminar!

Registrations open until 30 August 2024

Any questions? Just ask Leilla!