In an era where everything has to go faster and faster, more and more people choose to get away from the urban bustle and put the world on pause for a few days. In response, a new concept has emerged: “slow travel”.

Agencies specialized in this new type of travel offer their followers to take their time, while saving time. They imagine the whole itinerary of the traveler, by privileging the “slow” modes of transport, such as walking, cycling or train, in order to be able to soak up the journey and the landscapes.

Slowby, the travel website that makes “slow” travel accessible and adventurous, was born out of this idea. as (travel) guide

In order to develop their project, Dries and Manon participated in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, a European Union initiative coordinated by that gives budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to go abroad on exchange.

At the level of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs,

  • gave Dries and Manon all the information about the program
  • accompanied and advised the pair in their application process
  • offered its services of proofreading and advice on how to improve their business plan

Upon their return,

  • gave them practical advice about the creation of their company (administrative procedures, bonuses and subsidies, social status and legal form, …)
  • encouraged the pair to join entrepreneurial support initiatives, notably its cluster, dedicated to tourism, culture and events
Founders of Slowby

Manon Brulard & Dries Van Ransbeeck

Founders of Slowby

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a unique opportunity for every young entrepreneur! Not only will you meet top foreign entrepreneurs, but you will also learn to look at your project with different eyes.

Everything comes in time…

Slowby is the “Diarios de la motocicleta” version of cycling, without the tragic end. An epic journey of 2 to 7 days on two wheels, solo, duo or family, in the footsteps of Napoleon or Magritte, it’s up to you.

In a few clicks and according to your interests, his teams plan a colorful trip to discover our flat country, whose exact destination is revealed to you only 3 days before your departure.

Behind this project, Dries Van Ransbeeck and Manon Brulard, but also 260 ambassadors of their first project Welcome To My Garden, coming from all over Belgium and animated by a common desire to positively impact – and in the long term – the tourism sector.

Manon took advantage of her Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange to learn how to develop and sustain the community they had built through this project with Francesca Pick, while Dries worked with his mentor Javier Creus from Ideas for Change on a profitable business model they could build on this basis.

In the fonts, there are still many projects, among which a variation of slowby as a hike. An adventure in which we launch ourselves with our eyes closed, but that we keep wide open for the duration of the trip.

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Vous souhaitez apprendre le métier auprès d’entrepreneur.e.s qualifié.e.s? Participez au programme Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs et faites le plein d’expérience à l’étranger!