Thanks especially to its attractive tax incentives, Brussels is globally recognised as one of the main centres for post-production and dubbing in particular. And, with the appearance of distribution channels such as Netflix, demand will only increase. But it has to be said that you hear the same voices everywhere: lack of training means that voice actors are rare in Brussels. Alec Mansion and Julie Basecqz wanted to exploit a niche with the opening of Score Brussels, a studio that would also train actors.

A well-thought out scenario

​To ensure that their idea was viable, the team of two called on the expertise of Their coaches helped them to analyse the field and their positioning compared with their rivals, to draw up their business plan and to research finance options.

With the help of this finance the two partners officially launched Score Brussels in 2017 and recruited several employees.

A happy ending to the meeting

Score Brussels is now located in the Mediapark zone – Brussels’ future audio-visual hub – and is the only audio-visual company to offer bespoke training studios, innovative post-production services, voice overs and a training programme in a single location.
The company’s training programme has been most successful and will shortly be included in the services offered by Bruxelles Formation. 70% of actors who trained at Score Brussels have received their first contract.
The sound specialists are preparing to roll out training for companies, particularly in public speaking. SCORE BRUSSELS, take one!

Baptiste and Noël provided us with very useful information to help us draw up our business plan, particularly with regard to the situation facing actors in Brussels and the actual needs of the area. The team at helped us at every stage in our application for finance and then with the integration of our training in Bruxelles Formation.

Julie Basecqz, co-founder of SCORE BRUSSELS

Circular economy


Posted on 23/02/2024


Met Pipaillon legde Catherine Bodson de afgelopen tien jaar een bijzonder gesmaakt parcours af als ondernemer. Haar eerste glazen potjes met artisanale confituur, chutney en tapenades maakte ze thuis in de keuken. Vandaag exporteert ze de lekkernijen naar het buitenland, tot in Japan. En ook mocht meeschrijven aan het succesverhaal!

Posted on 18/01/2024


Posted on 09/10/2023