With Pipaillon, Catherine Bodson has charted a particularly enjoyable course as an entrepreneur over the past decade. She made her first glass jars of artisanal jams, chutneys and tapenades at home in the kitchen. Today, she exports the delicacies abroad, as far away as Japan. And hub.brussels was also able to contribute to the success story!

With Pipaillon, Catherine Bodson has charted a particularly enjoyable course as an entrepreneur over the past decade. She made her first glass jars of artisanal jams, chutneys, and tapenades at home in the kitchen. Today, she exports the delicacies abroad, as far away as Japan. And hub.brussels was also able to contribute to the success story!
When she started with Pipaillon ten years ago, Catherine already had a great career behind her, including at the European Commission. Still, she had an itch to start her own business. “Being able to start from a totally blank page is really something for me. I was looking for a new challenge in which I could combine my two great passions: cooking and entrepreneurship. The childhood memory of my grandmother’s artisanal jam made me instantly happy. I wanted to convey that feeling with Pipaillon.”
Secret ingredients for a success story
Starting your own business is a complex puzzle. Because there’s a lot that comes your way as a start-up entrepreneur. “Every day brings a new challenge. Because it’s a stark difference: making jam in your own kitchen, or producing it on a larger scale for the consumer market. In the initial phase, you’ll be working full-time preparing and testing new dishes. And in the meantime, you have to look for funding, organic farmers and other suppliers, a sales market, logistics partners, etc.”
Pipaillon and hub.brussels’ journey began about a decade ago. Following a call from OpenSoon, Catherine came knocking on hub.brussels’ door. The start of a long-term and fruitful collaboration. hub.brussels helped:
On the financial front :
- With the search for grants
- With the expansion of its OpenSoon dossier
- With help in preparing its dossier for be circular
In terms of marketing :
- With communication training
On the international front:
- By offering prospecting and networking opportunities through our international network
- By participating in international trade fairs such as Biofach (Nuremberg) or Specialty Fine Food (London)
- By participating in economic missions : like the one to Japan in 2022 where they met their biggest customer on a Speed Meeting.
- By offering their products at the Brussels Boutique (London)

Catherine Bodson
FounderWithout hub.brussels, I wouldn't be standing where I am today. Their support and expertise was indispensable in the start-up, growth and internationalisation of my business. Their approach is accessible and professional. Through hub.brussels, I also found a connection to a huge and supportive network of Brussels entrepreneurs and retailers. It's nice to know you're not alone!
The rest of the world is eagerly awaiting.
Today, Pipaillon has become a veritable ‘cannery’, tempting gourmets around the world. The range includes five tantalising flavour categories. Like jam and syrup, for someone with a real sweet tooth. But also savoury pickles and tapenade, based on olive oil and herbs. And how about chutney and capers? Or candied lemons?
The exotic flavour palette, however, is firmly rooted in Brussels. Thanks to Pipaillon’s intentionally sustainable approach. “We work with local ingredients and seasonal produce as much as we can, which we purchase from fruit growers in and around the capital. Other products, such as olive oil, lemons or capers, we source from organic farmers in Sicily,” Catherine says enthusiastically.
But what makes Pipaillon so unique? “The artisanal preparation, with special combinations or added spices. Everything is made by hand, with top-quality organic products. And a lot of love, of course (laughs). We do that at our own workshop here in Brussels. Our products are more versatile than you might think. Delicious with breakfast, lunch, a casual apéritif or a fancy reception… You can compare it a bit to a black dress, which you can pull out of the wardrobe on all occasions!”
And you can also easily recognise the flavours of the tantalising ‘rock jams’ by the distinctive labels with names like Sugar Baby Love, Dark Side Of The Spoon, Ladies Marmalade, etc. The original creations all come from Catherine’s cooker, who’s a true fan of rock music!
In closing, Catherine has some key advice for fellow start-up entrepreneurs:
When we started Pipaillon, we were very ambitious, running our own kitchen workshop. I’d do that differently today. With a shared workshop, for example. That means you can use a professionally equipped kitchen, and share the costs with other entrepreneurs.”
Planning to start your own business? Or build up an international export network, just like Pipaillon?