Experience sharing: hosting of young European Entrepreneurs

Have you operated a company for at least three years and want to instil your passion in young entrepreneurs? Participate in the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” programme and share your experience!

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a multinational exchange programme that offers young people and future entrepreneurs the opportunity to train, for one to six months, with seasoned entrepreneurs who run small businesses in the various participating countries.

What is Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs?

The goal of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme is to stimulate the internationalisation and growth of SMEs and better prepare new entrepreneurs by offering them a concrete experience with a host.

With this programme, you can experience the daily life of an entrepreneur while expanding your network and testing your own entrepreneurial skills. The programme also allows you to discover a new country and a new market and build international contacts, while also benefiting from the financial support of the European Commission.

Explore the success stories of young entrepreneurs who have participated in the programme!

How can the hub.brussels team help you?

We can provide you with:

  • Practical information about the programme
  • Assistance with the candidacy application process
  • Assistance with the administrative side of the programme
  • Introductions to partner organisations abroad
  • Review of your business plan and advice
  • Information and guidance for creating/developing your company
  • An overview of hub.brussels’ services

What are the requirements to participate in this programme?

The programme is open to all business sectors. You must, however, meet all of the following conditions:

  • You are seriously expecting to launch your own business, on the basis of a viable business plan and financial plan, within two years
  • You launched your company less than three years ago
  • Your permanent residence must be in a participating country (Albania, Germany, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine.)
  • You want to contribute to the growth of the host entrepreneur’s business and are committed to putting your skills and know-how at their disposal
  • You are prepared to complete the programme financing to cover the costs of your stay abroad

Do you want to pass on your knowledge? Contact our Advisor or fill our formular.

Pierre Herfurth

Advisor Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Tel: 02 422 51 26


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