An incubator to test Brussels for free. 

Would you like to test the advantages of setting up in Brussels? We offer you the ‘Brussels Welcome pack’, which includes a fully-equipped workspace free of charge for a period of 3 months as well as tailored support.

 Why an Invest incubator?

The Brussels-Capital Region is an ideal springboard for your development in Europe. offers foreign companies considering setting up in Brussels the opportunity to assess their options on the ground, at a low cost and with no obligation.

How can the team help you?

Our team will provide you with a free workspace for three months, including: 

  • a workspace with capacity for 12 people, integrated into the team offices
  • internet, telephone and fax
    a reception service (English, French, Dutch)
  • access to meeting rooms
  • access to the company prospecting databases
  • tailored support: legal information, guidance on setting up a company, help with finding a location
  • inventory of public grants available
  • help with human resources
  • putting you in touch with players in the sector
  • access to Europe’s largest network of business services: Enterprise Europe Network
  • guidance and contacts with European institutions

What are the requirements for joining the incubator?

Access to the Welcome Package is subject to prior approval by our team, who will assess the viability of your project.

Do you want to move to Brussels?