A place to test your life-size project

Is being a shop owner right for you? Is there a demand for your products? Is your project financially viable? L’Auberge Espagnole is hub.brussels’ business incubator, designed for future retailers in Brussels who want to test their concept under real conditions, without the risks of a conventional lease. For six months, you can enjoy a fully equipped space, personalised support and enhanced visibility in a dynamic neighbourhood.

It’s a real springboard for fine-tuning your offer, understanding your customer base and embarking on your entrepreneurial adventure with confidence!

months of incubation
hours of coaching
0 €/mois
with all services included
0 %
satisfaction rate

Tailored coaching from experts

In addition to a turnkey ground floor retail unit, you’ll benefit from 40 hours of free individual coaching before, during and after your time at L’Auberge Espagnole. The number of hours of coaching will be fixed according to your needs.

Retail design

Max. 10 hours

Practical and real-time support on the shop floor to help you optimise the performance of your sales outlet and showcase your products or services: layout, product presentation, window displays, etc.

Marketing, communication

Max. 10 hours

We’ll help you establish a consistent identity across your various communication channels (online and offline) and take concrete action to get the word out about your project to your target customers: graphic identity, comms strategy, KPIs, in-store marketing, etc.

Follow-up and analysis of a financial plan

Max. 10 hours

The aim of this coaching is to show you how important it is to monitor your business finances on a regular basis. You’ll learn how to proactively implement a strategy and action plan to avoid unpleasant surprises.


Max. 10 hours

Study the social and environmental impact of your business and identify possible measures to put in place. We’ll introduce you to the regional tools available for this purpose, as well as the additional benefits you can enjoy based on your business’s exemplary social and environmental performance.

Discover our retail spaces

L’Auberge Espagnole in Etterbeek:

  • 65-m² modular retail space
  • Chaussée de Wavre 331, a stone’s throw from Place Jourdan, in a friendly and family-oriented neighbourhood
  • An attractive rent of €450/month

L’Auberge Espagnole in Jette:

  • 40-m² modular retail space
  • In the heart of the Miroir district: Rue Léon Théodor 22, in the residential and commercial district of Miroir
  • An attractive rent of €450/month
Keep up with the news on social media

Our incubator is perfect for you if:

  • You’ve got an idea for a retail business and have a business plan
  • You want to open a physical shop in Brussels
  • You want to test your concept without investing too much and/or without committing to a commercial lease for several years
  • You sell your products online, at a counter or kiosk, or at special events, and you’d like to open a permanent shop
  • You want to make your project more visible
  • You want advice and support before starting your business adventure
  • You want assurance that your idea will work and that your project is profitable

Any question ?

Contact us by email: auberge.espagnole@hub.brussels

Or join one of our online information sessions on Thursday 20/03/25 or Tuesday 01/04/25 at 12.30pm.

Trusted by




The Auberge Espagnole experience is above all a human one, helping us to develop our project by giving us the tools we need to succeed. L'Auberge Espagnole marks a real turning point for every project.

Aesthete Kidswear


Aesthete Kidswear

I felt like a young girl learning to ride a bike. hub.brussels held me up so I wouldn't fall. Before I knew it, they let go and I kept on going.... Thanks to the coaching and the pop-up store, I'm now cycling completely independently!

Kembo et les saveurs d'Afrique


Kembo et les saveurs d'Afrique

It was an experience that shaped me both professionally and personally. It's made me a different person. There are still things I need to work on, but I'm taking away many valuable experiences. I learnt a lot from the coaches. Thank you for this wonderful life experience!


L’Auberge Espagnole is a hub.brussels incubator that enables individuals wishing to open a shop in Brussels to test their project for three months, with lower risk, lower cost, and under real conditions. This concept ‒ the only one of its kind in Europe ‒ meets the need of aspiring retailers, enabling them to face the reality of the market before a permanent opening.

When applications are open, click on the button at the top of this page and fill in the online application form.

We provide support before, during and after your incubation. Our incubator serves as a genuine launching pad, allowing you to confirm the viability of your project and your attraction to the retail sector. We provide you with all the keys to confidently open your permanent business in Brussels and maximise your chances of success. These three months of incubation are also an opportunity to quantify your project and gain confidence and credibility before meeting partners who will be essential to the long-term success of your project (banks, property owners, etc.).

The rent is €450/month. Group training sessions, support, and coaching are provided free of charge by hub.brussels.

Absolutely not! Our team provides you with continuous coaching tailored to your needs, at every stage of your incubation at L’Auberge Espagnole. It’s a true community of supportive experts and entrepreneurs who share their experiences and support each other.

Do you offer products or services that adhere to a fair pricing policy? Does your project embody ethical, responsible and sustainable practices? Are you planning to open an original, innovative, and long-lasting business in the Brussels-Capital Region? Then L’Auberge Espagnole is an excellent solution for testing and launching your project!

PS: want to open a restaurant or café? Then you might be interested in our catering incubator, Kokotte.


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