
1819 is our information service for anyone who wants to start, grow or develop a business in Brussels.

Starting and expanding your business in Brussels.

Practical tools for doing business in Brussels.

Advice and assistance for businesses and the self-employed.


Discover, our self-service data visualisation and analysis platform for the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Brussels-Capital Region.

How do you interact with content, maps and data? Follow the guides.

Discover reports and visualizations of statistical data in Brussels.

Surveys, points of sale, pedestrian flows, stands: all data freely available.

Publications and analyses

Consult our market studies, statistical analyses and benchmarks in your business sector.

Discover our other topics


Our free individual and group support.


Our sector communities and business clusters..


Our calendar of actions: all our events and calls for projects.

Would you like some support?

The teams offer you a wealth of free advice, services and tools to help your project succeed!