Impact of COVID-19 on female entrepreneurs in Brussels
Impact du COVID-19 sur les entrepreneures bruxelloises

Impact of COVID-19 on female entrepreneurs in Brussels

Despite the increased difficulties and mental strain caused by the crisis, the Brussels female entrepreneurs show optimism and incredible resilience. In this survey conducted by Women in Business, 90% of those who testified want to continue their activity.

In Brussels, there are more female entrepreneurs than in any other region of the country, in particular in the catering industry, event, tourism and cultural sectors. In these sectors, already heavily impacted by the health measures related to COVID-19, their representation rate rises to about 45%.

They also continue to face many structural barriers that often prevent them from doing business and/or being successful in the entrepreneurial world.

The crisis as aggravating factor of inequalities

The results of this survey emphasize the sharpening of the elements surrounding the inequalities that Brussels female entrepreneurs already had to deal with before the outbreak of the crisis and thus reflect the concerns of many international institutions about the situation of women worldwide.

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