hub.awards 2023

To the bakers across the street. To the grocers around the corner. To the upcyclers and recyclers. To the start-uppers and stand-uppers. To the mum-entrepreneurs. To the video makers of Jette and the programmers of Saint-Josse. To those who have gold in their fingers. To those who start out at twenty or fifty. To those who make Brussels shine. To those who reinvent it every day. And to all those who support them.

The hub.awards reward companies that have a positive impact on Brussels.


April 1 to 30


April 1 to 30 rewards companies that have a positive impact on Brussels. Select your category and submit your application before April 30, 2023!

4 award categories

For companies
less than 3 years old


For companies
more than 3 years old


For Brussels-based exporting companies


For foreign companies established in Brussels


A special “Craftsmanship” Award

For all participating craft companies 


A Public Award

For all participating companies


* Find out more about the categories, the eligibility criteria and the awards in the hub.awards 2023 rules.


May 1 to 31

Go to the voting platform and create your account


Browse through the competing companies and vote for your 3 favorites

Save your seat for the June 22 ceremony


The heart of Brussels beats thanks to its companies. But also thanks to the people who make them live… Make your voice heard and vote for your 3 favorite companies! Votes will open on May 1st.

Register for the ceremony

From May 1st

Come and celebrate Brussels entrepreneurship with us. Reserve your free tickets today for the award ceremony on June 22, which will be filmed and broadcasted live on BX1 & BRUZZ! 

  • Door opening : 19:00
  • hub.awards 2023 ceremony : 20:00
  • Reception – Cocktail party : 21:15

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