Export to the Netherlands

Export to the Netherlands

The Netherlands has a very open market economy with a legal system that operates well and therefore provides great legal certainty for citizens and businesses. Access to the Dutch market is easy.

Key sectors of the Dutch economy include agri-food, horticulture, chemistry, energy, creative industries, high-tech, life sciences and health, logistics, water management.

The very low unemployment rate is expected to increase from 3.8% in 2019 to 4.4% in 2020 (CBS October 2020). Business investment is slowing down due to international uncertainties and the Corona virus.

The Netherlands is a country of entrepreneurs, a trading country with a very long international trading tradition. Exports provide 1/3 of prosperity and 2.1 million jobs. In 2017, the value of exports amounted 83% of GDP.

Exports are the growth engine of the Dutch economy. A slowdown in growth in Germany, protectionism in America and uncertainty over China are having an immediate impact. Around one third of Dutch imports are intended for re-export. This is creating a lot of work opportunities for the less skilled.

Interested in exporting to the Netherlands?

Would you like to know more about the current export context, your first steps on the market, or the local business culture? Please contact our local economic and commercial attaché to receive the Netherlands fact sheet.


Bart Schobben


Mauritskade 33,
2514 HD Den Haag

+31 68 22 35 216
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