Export to Spain

Export to Spain

Spain is the 14th largest world economy in terms of GDP and ranks 11th for commercial services exports. Its position within the EU makes it the ideal platform to access the North Africa and Middle East markets. In addition, its historical, economic and cultural ties with Latin America make it the ideal platform to access the South American continent, as well as the large states of the American southwest.

At the end of 2013, Spain began to recover from the major crisis it had experienced starting in 2007. Its growth was over 3% in 2015, 2016 and 2017, one of the best results among European economies.

The Spanish authorities expect a decrease in GDP of up to -12.4% for 2020. At best, the public deficit could reach 9.9% of GDP and, at worst, 14.4%, i.e. €150,000 million, which is unheard of. Some specific measures could have an impact of 6 to 7 decimal points more on the public deficit: approval of the minimum vital income (basic income), the continuation of temporary layoff procedures (ERTE) and the extension and reworking of loans for the self-employed.

Interested in exporting to Spain?

Would you like to know more about the current export context, your first steps on the market, or the local business culture? Please contact our local economic and commercial attaché to receive the Spain fact sheet.


Ariane Léonard

Spain (Madrid)

Embassy of Belgium
Paseo de la Castellana, 18 6º
E-28046 Madrid

+34 91 435 13 24
+34 606346237

Carmen Coca

Spain (Barcelona)

Belgian Consulate
C. Pujades 340, local bajos
Torre Pujades
08019 Barcelona

+34 93 272 26 05
+34 62 865 78 88
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