Export to Senegal
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Senegal is one of the most stable countries in Africa. Since its independence in 1960, it has experienced three major political changes, all of them peaceful.
As the hub of West Africa, the country is geographically well positioned for trade in the sub-region (almost 15% of goods arriving through the port of Dakar are destined for Mali).
The country has favourable parameters for growth such as mining resources, agricultural production, fisheries resources and recently the discovery of oil and gas.
The second largest economy in French-speaking West Africa, behind Côte d’Ivoire, the Senegalese economy is largely informal and still depends significantly on its primary sector (17% of GDP), particularly agriculture, which is subject to fluctuations in world prices and climatic hazards. The secondary sector represents 23% of GDP and the tertiary sector 61%.
- The primary sector is mainly based on the production of local crops, livestock and fishing.
- The secondary sector is based on construction, mining, energy and agri-food.
- The tertiary sector was driven by tourism before the covid. The government is now banking on ICTs with the Senegal Digital Plan 2025.
Interested in exporting to Senegal?
Would you like to know more about the current export context, your first steps on the market, or the local business culture? Please contact our local economic and commercial attaché to receive the Senegal fact sheet.

Ivan Korsak
Sénégal - Gambie - Guinée Conakry - Îles du Cap Vert - Kenya - Burundi - Ouganda - Zambie - Tanzanie - RwandaAmbassade de Belgique
NG-205 Ngor-Diarama
Dakar – Sénégal
+221 33 889 43 90
+32 488 94 34 26
+221 77 481 08 69
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