Webinar: World Bank Projects in the Pacific


Are you active in the energy, construction, or infrastructure sectors? Join our webinar to learn how to secure projects funded by the World Bank in the Pacific. Gain key insights to access these opportunities and collaborate with local and international stakeholders!


The eleven Pacific island states that are members of the World Bank have a combined population of approximately 2.3 million and cover an area representing 15% of the Earth’s surface.

The World Bank’s activity in this region has grown significantly over the past decade, with a sevenfold increase in funded projects since 2014. Supported by the Australian and New Zealand governments, ongoing projects span 12 Pacific countries (including Papua New Guinea) with a total value of USD 2.84 billion (EUR 2.75 billion).

This webinar, organised by hub.brussels, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX, and the World Bank, is a unique opportunity to gain the essential information needed to access these large-scale projects.


Introduction by FIT

Presentation on the Pacific by the Belgian Ambassador to Canberra

World Bank contribution

  • General Overview: The World Bank’s role in the Pacific, ongoing projects, budgets, and benefits for businesses.
  • Procurement Process: Practical guidance, involvement of local governments, and an outlook on upcoming projects.

Testimonies from local representatives

  • Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Solomon Islands

Experience sharing from a Belgian company collaborating with the World Bank (TBC)

Q&A Session

Practical info

The event will take place online on Wednesday, 9 April at 09:00 (Belgian time) / 17:00 (Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Port Moresby) / 18:00 (Honiara, Micronesia).

The seminar is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Useful resources

I'm taking part in the seminar!

Registrations open until 7 April 2025

Any questions? Just ask Ghislain and Reinout!

Ghislain Breydel

Export Promotion Coordinator


Reinout Van Hullebus

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union - international organisations

Rue Belliard 65,
1040 Brussels

