Catalogue of circular economy offerings in Brussels
Catalogue of circular economy offerings in Brussels

Catalogue of circular economy offerings in Brussels

Do you want to support/work with sustainable companies in Brussels? Our cluster brings together the pioneering circular economy companies of the Brussels-Capital Region. These companies are active in a range of sectors such as construction, food, clothing, travel, entertainment, etc. Explore the first catalogue of circular economy offerings in the Brussels-Capital Region!

The “extract – produce – consume – throw away” linear model, which does not respect the environment and is highly resource and energy hungry, is faltering and showing its limitations today. The circular economy, which aims to increase resource use efficiency and reduce environmental impact while improving the well-being of individuals, has become a priority for the Brussels-Capital Region.

Discover 42 circular companies across 7 categories

  • Food: taste a unique selection of food and drinks produced sustainably in the city
  • Travel: travel differently through the city
  • Be entertained: have fun and learn to do-it-yourself
  • Live: design and live in tomorrow’s urban spaces
  • Dress: combine style and ethics with eco-designed clothes and accessories from the slow fashion movement
  • Get equipped: rent or obtain reusable equipment for an activity
  • Support: enable circular companies to develop in different ways: through access to resources or through a retail space (physical or virtual)

Do you have questions? Contact Pauline:

Pauline Zappa

Attaché.e Circular Economy Advisor