News hub.awards2019: the winning businesses are known!
hub.awards2019: the winning businesses are known!

hub.awards2019: the winning businesses are known!

This is it: At the end of a wonderful ceremony at the BOZAR on Thursday 20 June, the first hub.awards were presented to six Brussels businesses that embody the expertise and daring of Brussels-based entrepreneurs. Find out who is behind these innovative and rebellious projects… 

Spentys, the Brussels residents who print braces.

Spentys is an emerging start-up in the medical sector that aims to improve the quality of life of those suffering from orthopaedic injuries thanks to 3D printed braces: made-to-measure braces that are lightweight, waterproof, aerated and recyclable.

Louis-Philippe Broze

co-founder of Spentys and hub.award2019 winner in the START category

The project started when we were 22 years old, had no degree, no medical expertise and no funds. But around two years later, our project had already helped to care for more than 800 patients in four different countries. The Brussels entrepreneurial ecosystem was vital, essential even in this achievement. One of its strengths is this proximity that allows for a personalised support that perfectly meets businesses’ needs.

SUMY, transport that loves the planet

SUMY brings fresh air to cities by optimising travel and using new-generation commercial vehicles to transport goods. Combining a silent and ecological refrigeration system with an engine that runs on compressed natural gas, these vehicles promote night-time deliveries that relieve congestion in the city. With more than 30 people, SUMY is a significant player in the Brussels transport sector.


Hinde Boulbayem

Founder of SUMY and hub.award2019 winner in the GROW category

Thanks to this prize, I hope to inspire other women, to give wings to all those who are afraid to grow. In a period of growth, you have to climb mountains, cross deep valleys; it’s a real adventure during which many challenges come to light. Many women are lacking role models to embark on this path. To serve as a model for one of them would bring a great sense of pride. The hub.awards are a wonderful initiative. They send a strong message about the future of Brussels, a sustainable capital centred around soft mobility, alternative energy that is cleaner, etc.

APA-Intemporal, luxury in nanotechnologies

APA-Intemporal is a high-end, ready-to-wear business that develops and distributes products that combine luxury and nanotechnologies. The business has reinvented the raincoat, combining nanotechnologies, breathability, elegance and European expertise, while being able to adapt actively to changes in temperature. They push aside the luxury standards to make them current and innovative. La Fashion 2.0!

Léa Potache

co-founder of APA-Intemporal and hub.awards2019 winner in the EXPORT (Goods) category

This hub.award crowns our key values - technological innovation, local and European expertise, timeless elegance- at the service of those men and women who want a perfect silhouette while being protected from the rain. This reward, given by the experts, encourages us to develop new intelligent and revolutionary clothing, as well as pursue our development in neighbouring countries with the same passion.

wannapplay, the game that works for businesses… and cities

Gamification (or ludification) is the backbone of wannapplay’s services. wannapplay creates, sets up and brings games to life for businesses whose aim is to strengthen soft skills and train through teambuilding activities and team cohesion. wannapplay also develops gamification in other fields such as recruitment or marketing materials. Thanks to its mobile application, the business can transform any interior or exterior space into a real playground and implement dedicated content.

Xavier Langhendries,

co-founder of wannapplay and hub.awards2019 winner in the EXPORT (Services) category

Receiving a hub.award is great recognition for gamification. Using play to better achievecorporate objectives is credible and proven in Belgium and abroad. This prize puts us in the spotlight at a time when we are entering a new market with our Oh My Guide! mobile application: tourist offices, museums or anywhere seeking permanent ways to discover a location or a theme through play,crowdfunding for projects that matter is a crowdfunding platform that offers private individuals the opportunity to invest in sustainable businesses with high positive impact.

Céline Bouton

Assistant Director and associate at, hub.award 2019 winner in the INVEST category

This prize is recognition of and the supportive work we do with social businesses in the region. We are very proud of it and hope that its visibility will bring even more Brussels investors to our platform.

Skyfarms, well-being cultivators

Cultivate well-being at work by planting vegetables: this is what Augustin Nourissier & Véronique Dewever are offering with Skyfarms, the winning business of the Public’s Prize. A business to improve well-being at work, cultivate entrepreneurship and raise awareness of responsible consumption.


Many thanks to our sponsors

They dared to follow us. Without them, the hub.awards2019 wouldn't have been possible.

Many thanks to our sponsors
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