Growing numbers of Brussels' businesses choosing sustainability
Brussels’ business landscape is increasingly convinced of the need to run a business that is environmentally and socially responsible. This is the conclusion from hub.brussels’ latest sustainable transformation barometer, which aims to unveil the trends and challenges that Brussels-based businesses and self-employed workers are facing in the implementation of this new paradigm.
The circular economy is gaining ground
The report reveals that no less than 70% of Brussels’ entrepreneurs are familiar with the concept of the circular economy. This figure is now three times higher than in the first barometer, carried out in 2018. This increase is proof that the awareness campaigns of recent years and the numerous initiatives run by the Brussels Region are bearing fruit.
Furthermore, 73% of Brussels businesses and self-employed workers confirm they are aware of the need to move to a different economic model, which is an indication of growing awareness and a desire for change.
Not just good for the planet
Testimonials confirm that taking environmentally friendly measures and social action not only contributes to protecting the environment, but also brings advantages to the businesses themselves. Entrepreneurs who take the plunge feel a greater sense of personal satisfaction and an improvement in their working environment. In addition, many of them also notice economic advantages such as saving money and finding new sources of income.
Six out of ten entrepreneurs now believe that social and environmental sustainability legislation should now be stricter. Isabelle Grippa, CEO of hub.brussels, sees this as “a clear sign of a desire for change and a call to collective action.”
Lack of awareness about the support available
Despite this enthusiasm for change, this transformation often comes up against a lack of knowledge about existing tools.
It is also striking to note that over half of businesses questioned would like to benefit from free regional support in sustainably transforming their activities. Yet there are already several financial support mechanisms, led by Brussels Environment and Brussels Economy and Employment in particular, although 73% of respondents were not aware of them.
In addition, 41% of businesses did not know that they can get recognition, such as the Good Food label and the “Ecodynamic Organisation” label, which can help them in their sustainable transition.
Support for the sustainable transformation
The challenge for hub.brussels is to provide businesses with the right information and support them in implementing sustainable solutions, without disrupting their daily operations.
“The observation is clear: if we want to transform the Brussels economy and reach all entrepreneurs, it is essential to not only maintain a certain level of awareness, but also to concentrate our resources on supporting businesses who, despite their desire to integrate sustainability-related issues, don’t know how to do so without upsetting their economic model,” explains Isabelle Grippa.
Would you like to kick-start your sustainable transformation?
Contact hub.brussels! We are happy to offer you advice and tailored support.
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