News Export: target your preferred markets with
Export: target your preferred markets with

Export: target your preferred markets with

Discover all the relevant news and information on a particular market: that’s what offers on LinkedIn with its new pages showcasing different geographical areas. Presented and moderated by our teams on site and in Brussels, these pages aim to give you a clear overview of each export market and its opportunities, whatever your business sector.

The showcase pages aim to publish all the information and news related to the same subject in one place, while remaining within the parent brand. For, this predominantly means being able to offer a space where Brussels companies driven by the same ambition to export their goods or products across borders can exchange and share experiences.

In order to deliver the most specific and targeted information possible for a given geographical area, its teams have decided to divide these pages by continent:

Content that speaks to you

International monitoring, missions, trade shows, initiatives, market studies: all this information will be relayed daily on these showcase pages. Want to discuss a particular topic? Need more insights into a market? These pages also serve as a forum for discussions with your peers and our regional specialists.

  • Calendar of international events: every week, our teams present with the programme of upcoming events (missions, trade fairs, state visits), with the option to register in just a few clicks.
  • Dissemination of business opportunities: our Economic and Commercial Attachés are your eyes and ears across the world and reveal business opportunities in their markets almost in real time.
  • Distribution of market research: our local teams regularly conduct sectoral market research to keep you informed of the latest trends.

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