News Discover the nominees of the hub.awards 2023
Discover the nominees for the hub.awards 2023

Discover the nominees for the hub.awards 2023

For the moment, the identity of the winners of the Oscars for Brussels Entrepreneurs remains a well-kept secret. What we can tell you are the companies nominated in each category. Curious?

Who are we rewarding?

There are 6 prizes in all at the hub.awards – Start, Bloom, Welcome, Export, a People’s Choice Award and a Jury Prize. The competition is open to all Brussels companies. The aim? To reward projects with an innovative approach that have a positive impact on Brussels.

This year’s celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit will take place on 22 June in Bozar’s magnificent Salle Henry Le Bœuf.

And the nominees are…

Start: Greenzy, Mazette, Unago

Bloom: BC Materials, Citizenfund, La Ferme Nos Pilifs

Export: In-Between-International, NIYONA , Raypath International.,

Welcome : Electra, Miles Mobility, Pharmap

Jury Award : Jessica de Saedeleer Luthier , Sample Slow Jewelry, Seed

Audience Award : Business Entourage, La Ferme Nos Pilifs, The Wellnest Community

The award ceremony at Bozar will unveil the winners of this 2023 edition of the hub.awards. Spectators and viewers will also vote live for the winner of the People’s Choice Award. Want to join the party? Book your front row seats!

It’s awesome that you’re coming!

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