News Brussels and international trade: a verified growth driver
Brussels and international trade: a verified growth driver

Brussels and international trade: a verified growth driver

In a changing economic context, international trade plays a key role in the prosperity of the Brussels Region. At a time when certain countries, such as the United States, are stepping up their protectionist policies and supply chains are being restructured, staying open to the world is a question that’s right at the heart of many strategic choices, now more than ever.

Two recent studies shed light on this issue for Brussels. In a publication dated 20 February 2025, the Brussels Institute of Statistics and Analysis (BISA) pointed out that exports generate one third of the wealth produced in Brussels and support almost one in three jobs. Trade Promotion Europe (TPE), in collaboration with Geneva’s International Trade Centre (ITC), also published a study on 14 February 2025 demonstrating the returns of export promotion for TPE members.


These independent analyses all point to the same conclusion: exports are not an adjustment variable for the Brussels economy, but a fundamental pillar that generates wide-ranging benefits for the entire economic fabric.

Exports account for one third of Brussels’ wealth

According to IBSA, 33% of the added value produced in the Brussels Region comes from exports. They also account for 28% of our jobs. In contrast to the more industrial regions, where exports mainly consist of manufactured goods, Brussels stands out for its strong specialisation in the export of services.

Production related to exported services accounts for 24% of added value and 21% of jobs. Head offices and financial services are among the main activities geared towards international markets. Having these services rooted in Brussels reflects the city’s strategic position as a European capital and major decision-making hub.

Production related to the export of goods plays a more limited role (9% of added value and 7% of jobs), concentrated in particular in wholesale trade and employment-related services.

A knock-on effect for the entire economy

While export-related production creates value and jobs, the impact of these exports extends far beyond the exporting companies alone. International connections stimulate innovation, attract investment and strengthen the overall competitiveness of the regional economy.

The study published by TPE and the ITC shows that every euro invested in promoting foreign trade generates on average €172 in additional exports and €396 in GDP growth.

A strategic challenge in a changing world

What role can international trade play in a changing world, where short circuits and industrial sovereignty are gaining ground? What new markets can we explore to diversify our exchanges?

These questions are already guiding’ strategic choices: anticipating and supporting the transformation of business models to enable Brussels-based companies to adapt and remain competitive.

Being open to international trade is still a great strength, but the concept should be revamped to become part of a more sustainable and resilient world.

So, our services are geared towards this goal:

  • Our teams help companies set up or transform their business model to bring it more in line with today’s needs.
  • Market research and advice – provides detailed market analyses, sector-specific information and strategic recommendations for identifying international opportunities.
  • Networking and matchmaking – Organisation of trade missions, B2B events and international trade fairs to connect companies with potential partners and customers, with a focus on neighbouring markets.
  • A local presence – has a network of international offices to support companies on the ground and help them get established, taking into account the specific context of each country.
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