Retail: communicating during a crisis
Retail: communicating during a crisis

Retail: communicating during a crisis

2020 brought two lockdowns and heavily affected the activity of many sectors, retail in particular. Our specialists have gathered their expertise in a guide to facilitate retailers’ communication during the crisis. How can you adapt your message? Stay in touch with your customers? Tank up on practical advice!

After shuttering your business for the second time in a few months, many of you have had to reinvent yourselves to maintain your business: sales via social networks, deliveries of clothes to try on at home, creation of an e-shop, a new click and collect system, etc.

Although your in-person communication is currently greatly restricted, you have free rein with your digital communication. Now is the perfect time to master the smallest details and have both communication forms coexist when you reopen! 

Optimise your communication before, during and after you reopen

From listing your communication tools to optimising them, this guide will provide you with many tips on:

  • Communicating about (future) reopening
  • Specific communication about hygiene measures
  • The importance of implementing “click and collect” and delivery after reopening
  • The various distance selling methods
  • The use of social media and your website
  • Communicating about the post-lockdown environment

Do you have questions? Contact Laurine!

Laurine Kerpelt

Retail Communication Consultant

T. +32 474 62 74 25