Speed dating: boost your international development


Are you looking for new markets? Take part in our speed dating event on 1 October, which will bring together EPHEC International Business students and Brussels companies. Get a market study and customised export business plan out of it, and meet your future partners to develop your internationalisation project!


This project, the result of a collaboration between hub.brussels and EPHEC, offers Brussels-based companies the opportunity to explore new markets with the help of students in their second year of the Bachelor Degree in International Business. Each team of six students, supervised by teachers, creates a market study and a tailor-made export business plan, integrating aspects such as competitive analysis, marketing, logistics, and legal and financial elements.

This project is a real win-win situation, as the companies gain an in-depth analysis and concrete recommendations for their international expansion while the students gain valuable practical experience in a professional setting. Partner companies also receive access to field market data, collected through collaboration with Dynata, guaranteeing the quality of the results.

For companies, participation involves a fixed contribution of at least €1,500 per team, covering part of the market research, travel and accommodation costs. This amount is paid to EPHEC and returned to the students once the project is completed. This financial support ensures that companies receive high-quality strategic insights while helping to train future international development talent.


18:00 Welcome

18:15 – 18:30 Project presentation

18:30 – 20:00 Speed dating

20:00 – 21:00 Networking

Practical info


The speed dating event is free of charge.

Companies taking on students agree to pay EPHEC €1,500 for the students’ travel.


The event will take place at the hub.brussels offices, Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels.

Useful resources

Download this PDF to find out more (in French).

I'm taking part in the speed dating event!

Registrations open until 29 September 2024

Any questions? Just ask Thomas!

Thomas Dupan

Head of Business Unit Export

T. +32 2 800 40 09
