Diagnostic tools: challenging your business.

At hub.brussels, we provide you with a series of tools to help you assess your company, your business, at different levels: its degree of sustainability, digitalization, or export maturity. And help it evolve in the right direction.

Our tools

Is your company part of the Economic Transition?

Take the test with our new tool and benefit from advice tailored to your situation. Answer a series of questions and learn more about the topics covered. Ready?

Test your business and get advice tailored to your situation!

Online sales, layout, communication, positioning…: choose the topic you’d like to test, answer the questionnaire and get advice tailored to your needs. Are you ready?

How about exporting your products beyond the Belgian borders?

This short questionnaire, co-constructed with a panel of seasoned exporters, reveals your level of preparation in just a few clicks, and enables us to personalize our “getting started exporting” support as much as possible. Are you ready?