News Action plan 2022: Moving towards economic recovery
Action plan 2022: Moving towards economic recovery

Action plan 2022: Moving towards economic recovery

In 2022, wants to do everything it can to revive the Brussels economy. With this said, we are strongly focusing on innovation for the society and the environment, handmade products and culture. Fortunately, the Brussels-Capital Region has some solid assets to achieve this. Still planned for 2022: an acceleration for economic transition, supported through new actions, events and services from!

From recovery plan to economic transition

 Barbara Trachte, Brussels State Secretary for Economic Transition, explains:

“Fortunately, we were able to avoid a tsunami of bankruptcies in recent months. This is thanks to the financial support of the Brussels-Capital Region and the federal government. But also to, which supported many hard-hit companies. And don’t forget: at the height of the crisis, many entrepreneurs showed enormous resilience and flexibility to reorient their business.”

In 2022, will further focus on supporting the economic transition in Brussels – and beyond. For example, it is necessary to align economic objectives with social and environmental issues. In that context, we are making resources available to:

  • Adapt our services and integrate them into the economic transition
  • Guide companies and help them on their way to a more sustainable business model
  • Develop information and awareness campaigns for companies

Making entrepreneurship accessible to everyone

The Brussels economy continues to perform relatively well, in light of the crisis of the past two years. Yet certain target groups have been hit hard and were more vulnerable than ever: shop owners and retail entrepreneurs, women, young people and job seekers. In 2022, they can count on extra attention from, both locally and internationally.

In Brussels, we will continue to focus on the development of Kokotte and Auberge Espagnole, our incubators for horeca and retailer entrepreneurs, respectively. Via this pop-up formula, we want to give as many starting entrepreneurs as possible the opportunity to realize their entrepreneurial dream – at a minimum cost and with a maximum of expert advice and guidance.

A logical extension for the development of successful companies: export and internationalization. Here, too, is moving full steam ahead in 2022, with no fewer than 127 actions and events on the agenda, at home and abroad.  In this way we want to give socially and ecologically innovative companies a boost to develop across national borders. With special attention to nearby markets and sectors with great future potential.

Strengthen local services

Our teams will continue to criss-cross the communes of Brussels to meet (future) entrepreneurs directly and answer all their questions.

Our offices on chaussée de Charleroi will soon become a real showcase for Brussels entrepreneurship, with the necessary space to welcome entrepreneurs and guide them in realizing their plans.

All eyes on Brussels


The Brussels economy is 80% dependent on international trade. The ‘Brussels’ brand is therefore indispensable in the recovery and revival of the regional economy.

“In 2021, Brussels goods exports increased by almost 13%. A lot better than the original forecast of 11%. Given the particularly challenging circumstances, exports have therefore held up well,”

according to Pascal Smet, Brussels State Secretary for European and International Relations and Foreign Trade.

“In terms of services, 45% of services are not yet exported. There is therefore still margin and room for maneuverability to increase the economic impact of our exports.”


The economic transition would anchor Brussels (even) more strongly in the international market – which is very competitive. In order to consolidate and further develop our region as the capital/gateway of Europe, we rely on several levers:

  • the new digital one-stop-shop portal aimed at foreign companies and investors.
  • The very first Brussels House: a real embassy for economic and cultural life in Brussels. The Brussels House will soon be festively inaugurated in Milan, in the spring of 2022, together with
  • The opening of 3 new foreign offices in Copenhagen, Geneva and Rabat.

 Initiatives that all contribute to the international appeal of Brussels!

 In the spotlight: Artisan and cultural & creative sectors

Finally, this year we will pay special attention to the craft manufacturing industry, along with the cultural and creative sector – at the cluster level, but also in terms of export support. Indeed, these sectors are real catalysts for employment in the capital. They make an important contribution to the regional economy, but have been hit hard by COVID-19 in recent months.

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